Easy Way to Make Money From Home Online

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Ladies, want to make more money?

Okay, who wouldn't say yes to that question…

But while it's nice to think about side-hustling or starting a new work from home lifestyle, this is often easier said than done.

See, us women have things to do. Many things.

We have to earn a living wage, raise children, keep the household in order, further our education, find some time to have friends, and squeeze in that ever elusive "me" time. Whew!

But luckily, I have good news for you:

You can still make money online as a woman even with all of these many other obligations and responsibilities. So how about we close that gender pay gap and show the world what us ladies are capable of, eh?

Let's take a look at these 17 ways to make money online as a woman, so you can be in control of your own working schedule and earn more money.

How to Make Money Online as a Woman — 17 Ways

1. Start a Blog

A blog is a website with online articles centered around a specific niche or topic. By answering common questions and providing valuable information to your readers, you can build a profitable online business from your blog.

Blogging is a great way for women to make money online because it can be incredibly lucrative and allows you to blog on a topic of your choice.

You can blog about anything, from:

  • Parenting
  • Personal Finance
  • Cooking
  • Crafts/DIY
  • Organization
  • Self-Improvement
  • Homeschooling
  • Wine (mmm)
  • Pets

…and pretty much every other topic under the sun.

Not to mention, once your blog is up and running and getting traffic, blogs go on to generate largely passive income as well!

With a blog, the amount of money you make can range from absolutely nothing and up to $10,000+ a month. It all depends on the niche you pick, how you choose to monetize, and your ability to drive traffic.

To learn how you can get started, check out my in-depth guide to starting a niche blog and making money online. It goes over how to pick a profitable niche and everything you need to know to build the foundations of a successful online business.

Get EASY and AFFORDABLE website creation with Bluehost.

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2. Be a Virtual Assistant

Fancy Hands make money onilne as a virtual assistant

One of the best work from home job opportunities for women is being a virtual assistant.

As a virtual assistant, you help an online business or online blogger/entrepreneur with administrative tasks, website management, accounting, social media, and more. Wherever your strengths lie, there's an online business that needs your skillset.

You can offer services, such as:

  • social media management
  • moderating website comments
  • email management
  • scheduling
  • booking travel arrangements
  • data entry
  • bookkeeping
  • eCommerce customer service

…and much, much more.

Virtual assistants earn anywhere from $15-$30+ per hour, depending on your experience and services you offer. If you offer specialized services and deliver a lot of value to your clients, you can charge more and boost your earning potential.

So for example, if you're a virtual assistant who's also a certified accountant and can do bookkeeping and tax preparation, you'll earn more money because this is a specialized service. Not everyone has the knowledge or training to do it, unlike data entry for example.

Once you've decided on the services you'd like to offer, look for virtual assistant work on freelance job sites like:

  • Fiverr
  • Upwork
  • Fancy Hands
  • People Per Hour
  • Freelancer
  • Also check out FlexJobs, the best site for finding remote job opportunities

3. Freelance Online

Ladies, chances are you've got skills and knowledge that others are looking for.

So why not get out there and make money online freelancing?

After all, 35% of the US workforce is freelancing nowadays. These 57 million freelancers are drawn to the enormous benefits of freelance work, such as schedule flexibility, location independence, and even higher earnings potential than traditional jobs.

And it's no surprise that the number of freelancers keeps on growing, because sites like Fiverr and Upwork make it easier than ever to find freelance jobs.

You can start freelance work in:

  • Website design
  • Graphic design
  • Proofreading
  • Writing/editing
  • Video editing
  • Transcription
  • Digital marketing
  • translation

And pretty much any field or task that can be completed entirely online. Fiverr, for example, has over 200 categories of freelance services!

Once you've determined what skills you can bring to the table, list your freelance services on:

  • Fiverr
  • Upwork
  • Fancy Hands
  • People Per Hour
  • Freelancer

4. Test Products

Pinecone Research homepage test products make money online

Companies and manufacturers need real consumers (like you!) to test their products and provide feedback and reviews. Your feedback is then used to improve existing products or further develop products that haven't yet hit the market.

The amount of money you can make testing products will vary depending on the website, but expect to earn anywhere from $3-$50 per product review. Some sites and review opportunities will ask for more feedback and in-depth reviews in exchange for higher earnings.

With most product testing online opportunities, you'll be asked to create a detailed profile and the products you're sent will depend on your gender, demographics, etc. So some product reviews won't be available to you and others will.

As a woman, you'll most likely receive self-care products and other health and beauty related items. If this isn't your thing though, don't worry. Companies from various industries need product testers, so chances are you'll also be asked to review other more gender-neutral products too.

To start making money online testing products, check out:

  • Usertesting
  • JJ Friends & Neighbors (Johnson & Johnson)
  • Pinecone Research
  • American Consumer Opinion

5. Voice Your Opinions

Swagbucks how to earn and get cash

The easiest way to make money online as a woman, or anyone for that matter, is to get paid to give your opinions via online surveys.

Love 'em or hate 'em, no one can deny how little effort is needed to answer simple questions and earn points, cash, and gift cards.


Sitting on the couch between Netflix episodes? Take a survey. Waiting for a delivery to arrive? Take a survey. Are the kiddos finally napping away? Take a survey.

Each survey or rewards site has its own payment scheme. However, nearly all online survey sites will initially give you points for taking the surveys, which can then be redeemed for Paypal cash or gift cards to your favorite online shops and retailers. Each survey will show you the number of points you'll receive before you take it, so you can prioritize those with higher points value.

And if it wasn't easy enough already, most survey programs also give you MORE ways to earn points and cash, such as watching videos, reading emails, playing online games, and just simply browsing the internet. Yup!

Here are the best survey and rewards programs you should check out:

  • Swagbucks—Get a $5 BONUS for signing up.
  • Inbox Dollars—Get a $5 BONUS for signing up.
  • SurveyJunkie—One of the longest-running and most-trusted survey sites around.
  • MyPoints— Get a $10 BONUS for spending $20+ online using MyPoints.

Related Read: 13 Highest Paying Survey Sites to Earn EASY Cash

Earn with Swagbucks

Get paid in gift cards or Paypal cash for taking surveys, playing games, or just shopping online! Earning extra money has never been easier.

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6. Sell on Poshmark

listing items on Poshmark screenshot

Poshmark is a site literally made for women looking to make money online. With Poshmark, you can sell your brand-name clothing items and accessories for money.

So all those clothes and purses in your closet? Sell 'em!

Not only will you minimize your wardrobe from overflowing to manageable, you'll make money off it too. What's not to like?

And for women with a touch of entrepreneurial spirit, you should know that you can even scale your Poshmark selling and start your own online boutique using the platform.

The way Poshmark works is a little bit like Instagram meets eBay. You sign up for free, create a profile, and start taking appealing photos of any clothes and accessories you'd like to sell.

As you upload items people like or want, you'll gain followers and expand your reach to more and more potential buyers.

Poshmark also handles all of the payments, so you're guaranteed to receive your money. They also provide shipping labels so arranging delivery is a breeze.

Depending on how well you build your brand and business on Poshmark, you can earn anywhere from $100-$1,000 a month if you're working at it part-time. If you really hustle, there are sellers making 6 figures a year with Poshmark.

7. Tutor Online

Wyzant tutor online

Online tutoring is taking off, y'all! Gone are the days of meeting at the local café or library for your tutoring sessions.

Nowadays, if you've got a degree, experience, or skills in a particular subject, then you can find students and teach solely online through Skype, FaceTime, or Zoom.

As well, there are hundreds of subjects you can teach, including but not limited to:

  • Mathematics (everything from basic math to calculus)
  • English (reading, writing, and/or grammar)
  • Science (general science to advanced physics)
  • Art (history, drawing, painting, techniques, etc.)
  • Music (music theory, history, a particular instrument, etc.)
  • Standardized tests (anything from standardized testing skills to ACT/SAT or GRE)

One of the things I love about tutoring is that it's scalable. When you have the extra time, you can take on a few more students. And if life gets busy, then you cut your tutoring hours.

You're also in complete control of your hourly rates. You can expect to earn anywhere from $15/hour if you're new, to up to $50+ an hour if you're highly experienced and can deliver measurable results (high standardized test scores, for example).

A great place to start listing your tutoring services is on Wyzant. Wyzant helps connect you to students around the country looking for help in your chosen subject. You're in complete control of your rates and Wyzant handles all billing and payments on your behalf.

Learn more about becoming a tutor on Wyzant.

8. Teach English Online

VIPKid teach english online

Another way for us ladies to make money online (and one of my personal favorites) is teaching English as a second language or ESL.

I've been teaching ESL for over 6 years, and it has helped me pay off over $55k in student loan debt. In fairness, I did live abroad while teaching ESL (and still am, technically), but tutoring online as a side hustle is what made the biggest impact on paying down my debt. All of that extra income went straight to my loans!

See, there are millions of students around the world looking to up their English abilities so they can go to high schools and colleges in the US, UK, and other English-speaking countries.

And this means you'll never be short of students and people willing to pay you.

Depending on what level of English you teach, and what standardized tests you teach to, you can make anywhere from $10-$50 per hour. You can start out by charging lower rates, and then up your rates once you gain more experience and specialties.

To get started making money online tutoring, I'd recommend signing up for a TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) certification program. This will give you a huge advantage when looking for ESL jobs.

Other than that, you should also have a bachelor's degree (any subject is okay, doesn't have to be English or education related) and your first language should be English.

Once you're ready to start teaching, check out these ESL tutoring gigs:

  • VIPKid
  • EF (Education First)
  • GoGoKid
  • iTalki — give you the flexibility to set your own rates

9. Open an Etsy Shop

Etsy seller homepage screenshot

Etsy is a global online marketplace founded in 2005 that caters to creators of handmade goods, crafts, and DIY products. To date, Etsy has over 69 million buyers around the world looking for new and interesting finds.

So for you creatives out there, starting your very own Etsy shop is a great way to make money online as a woman. It gives you a creative outlet, the opportunity to build an online business of your own, and leverage Etsy's access to millions of buyers around the world.

With hundreds of different product categories, on Etsy you can create and sell:

  • handmade items
  • jewelry
  • craft supplies
  • clothing and accessories
  • art and decor
  • printables
  • wedding and party invitations and accessories
  • print-on-demand items (t-shirts, mugs, totes, etc.) with services like Printify

You'll want to first start your Etsy venture as a side-hustle and grow it from there. Depending on the number of hours you dedicate to it and the business-savvy you have, you can expect to earn an extra $100+ a month or even up to a full-time income on Etsy.

To start making money online with Etsy, head over to Etsy's seller page to learn more.

Related Read: 15 Best Things to Sell on Etsy to Make Money

10. Be a Parts Model

picture of women feet

Okay, so "parts" model doesn't sound particularly appealing at first…but hear me out.

Modeling your hands, feet, and legs can actually be a profitable method of making money as a woman. In fact, there are women making full-time incomes by selling feet pictures online.

Just think about the cosmetic and beauty industry for a second. In 2020, it's revenue was over 49 billion in the United States. And within that industry, skincare accounts for about 39% of it.

Brands, startups, and online businesses in this enormous segment of the market need photos of hands, feet, and legs to model their products. Not only that, but just online content alone requires images of these body parts for digital advertisements, articles, and more.

So if you've got beautiful feet, legs, and hands, why not profit off them?

To become a parts model, first have some professional photos taken. Then, create an online portfolio by starting your own website. That way, potential clients can visit your site, view your images, and reach out to you for work.

It's also good to get in touch with reputable modeling agencies. Ask them if they represent parts models before going through the process of landing an agent.

And lastly, upload your images to stock photography websites for further exposure and ways to make money. The best stock photo sites are:

  • Getty Images
  • Shutterstock
  • iStockPhoto
  • BigStock

11. Offer Babysitting/Childcare

Maybe your children are all grown up and can take care of themselves, or you don't have children of your own but still love kids. If so, you should make money online babysitting and providing childcare to parents who need it.

In my neighborhood, there's a woman who watches (what seems like) all the neighborhood children during the summer months. She runs a fully-fledged daycare business from her home, and ya know what? She makes good money.

So a great place to start is by reaching out to neighbors and seeing if they could use a babysitter or daycare provider at a lower cost.

As well, nowadays there are websites that help connect you to parents in need of your services. You can sign up for free and create a profile on Care.com and Sittercity.

A good starting rate is around $13/hour, but if you have more childcare experience or live in a place with a higher cost of living, you can make $20+ per hour.

And let's say, for example, you're watching 3 kids simultaneously on a Friday night. You'll make $40-60 every hour! Not bad at all.

12. Be a Virtual Friend

Rent a Friend get paid to be a virtual friend

Another money-making idea for women is to get paid to be a virtual friend online.

As a virtual friend, your role is to chat to people online who are looking for companionship…and to just chat about anything really. You don't meet them in-person at all, but instead over Skype, Zoom, etc.

You're probably wondering:

Why do people need virtual friends?

Well, as it turns out, there are many different reasons why someone might need to chat to someone else online. They could be:

  • Introverted
  • Lonely
  • Elderly
  • Disabled
  • New to their area
  • Without many friends
  • Or wanting to chat to someone with shared interests

These people are just simply looking for someone to talk books, pets, politics, movies, music, and everyday life with them.

Virtual friends can make between $20-$30 per hour, depending on the site where you list your services. Another perk to this way of making money is that you can set your own schedule and make it a side-hustle or even full-time gig.

If you're interested in getting paid to be a virtual friend, read my Ultimate Guide: Get Paid to Be a Virtual Friend and learn how you can make $500+ per month doing it!

make money online as a woman pin

13. Coach Others

This might sound incredibly vague, but that's because it is.

Coaching is essentially teaching and helping others improve their lives, skills, and knowledge in a particular area.

You're probably already familiar with:

  • Life coaches – help people improve their outlook on life and get it back on track
  • Career coaches – help people figure out what careers suit them and find meaningful work
  • Leadership coaches – help those in leadership positions develop their skillset

These are the most popular types of coaches, but really, whatever knowledge or skills you have can be used to help others improve in those areas.

Becoming a coach involves networking and building your own business. However, the good news is that it's easier than ever to do this, thanks to online marketing. You can set up your own website for your coaching practice, demonstrate expertise by posting helpful content, and connect with potential clients on social media.

It's difficult to say exactly how much coaches earn because it depends on the type of coaching you're doing and the number of clients you get. However, in all cases, as you build experience and get enthusiastic testimonials from your clients, you can charge more per hour.

Related Read: 23 Ways to Make Money After Work (Even With a Full-Time Job)

14. Manage Social Media Accounts

social media manager woman making money

If you've ever been in a large Facebook Group before, then you know how much work moderating social media can be.

This is why a lot of entrepreneurs and online businesses hire out their social media management. Not only do social media comments require moderating, but there's also the need to stay active on multiple platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, TikTok…geez the list never ends!

So as a social media manager, you'll be asked to moderate, post, build an engaged community, create ads, increase sales, etc. All of this will help expand a brand's reach and transform followers into a thriving community.

The demand for social media management is increasing along with the number of online businesses out there, so this is definitely a growing field worth entering. Incomes for social media managers range between $45,000 to up to $95,000.

Places to find and list social media management gigs are:

  • Fiverr
  • Upwork
  • FlexJobs

Related Read: 17 Non-Phone Work From Home Jobs

15. Be a Pinterest Virtual Assistant

If you're a blogger or online business owner, then you know:

Pinterest is a full-time job.

Making attractive pins, constantly feeding new pins to the platform, and scheduling them at high-traffic times is a lot of work! That's why more and more business owners are outsourcing their Pinterest marketing to virtual assistants.

And if you're an avid Pinterest user who knows how to create engaging pins, then you can offer Pinterest services and make good money.

Pinterest virtual assistants typically have multiple clients in a month and will charge either hourly or a set monthly rate. Therefore, you can easily earn a part-time income with just a couple clients, or expand into a full-time role with multiple ongoing monthly contracts.

If you're familiar with Pinterest marketing already, you can find clients in blogger, virtual assistant, and/or online business Facebook Groups. There are always people looking to hire out Pinterest work in these groups, so it's a great place to network and find clients.

You can also list your services on freelance sites like Fiverr and Upwork.

And if you're new to Pinterest marketing but interested in growing an Pinterest virtual assistant business, then check out PinterestVA. It's a course created by Kristen Larsen, as successful blogger and Pinterest VA. Kristen was able to grow her business from scratch and replace her full-time income in less than one year. So if you want to get started, there's no better course out there.

16. Get Paid to Exercise and Lose Weight

Sweatcoin make money online walking

We all need a bit of motivation when it comes to staying fit and healthy. I mean, I've been struggling to form a consistent yoga habit for going on 10 years now, so I feel you.

With an insanely busy schedule, childcare, and being lady bosses in the office, it's hard to find the time to take care of ourselves and our bodies.

But perhaps we just need a little financial incentive to lose the weight and get outside and exercise. Imagine if you could get paid to meet your weight and fitness goals. You might finally prioritize your health just a little bit more, am I right?

There are 2 online apps and programs that help you do just this: Sweatcoin and HealthyWage.

Sweatcoin is a free app that tracks every step you take and rewards you with "sweatcoins." Once you earn enough sweatcoins, you can then cash them in for discounts to your favorite restaurants, daily product offers, holiday vouchers and more. Each step gets you closer to free stuff. How's that for motivation?

The other way to make money online for losing weight is with HealthyWage. On this platform, you set your own weight loss goals or join team challenges with friends/family to win cash prizes.

HealthyWage even has a jackpot prize of $10,0000 you can compete for! That's one heck of a financial incentive.

Download Sweatcoin today and start your first weight loss challenge on HealthyWage. Your body will thank you for it!

17. Mystery Shop

Ladies, we do like a good shopping trip.

And with all our years of shopping experience, we know what's good and bad customer service, as well as how products should and shouldn't be displayed to attract buyers.

Essentially, we are more discerning shoppers than your average Joe. (No offense, Joes)

So another way you can make money online is by mystery shopping and giving feedback on your shopping experience at local stores. With Gigwalk, you can sign up to be a mystery shopper and instantly view any gigs in your area. Most likely, there are Gigwalk opportunities and stores you visit regularly, so why not get paid to visit them?

Gigwalk pays via Paypal after linking your account. You'll earn anywhere from $3-$100 per mystery shop depending on how long it takes and what you're asked to do and provide feedback on.

Oh, and did I mention:

You can get paid to shop whenever you've got spare time. Your schedule is entirely up to you, so if the household is crazy busy today, you can Gigwalk tomorrow. No problem.

Find out how you can get paid to shop with Gigwalk today.

For more ways to make money online, check out:

17 Ways to Make Money Online as a Woman


Source: https://thriftyintrovert.com/make-money-online-as-a-woman/

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