Reddit Relationships Rareddit Would You Be Concerned if Your Boyfriend Read Redpill

João describes swallowing the Red Pill as a feeling greater than winning the lottery.

Aged 17 and a self-described "late bloomer virgin", he was growing apprehensive about going to college when he stumbled across online men'south rights forums that seemed to concur all the answers. "I believed in it and then much," the now 24-twelvemonth-old tells me via Skype from his home in Portugal, "It was such a fantastic thing to me… Back so I used to say that I was then happy about finding out about the Ruby-red Pill and pick upward artists that I would rather exist with them than win the lottery.

"I don't know why I believed so deeply because information technology really makes no sense."

Though João experienced two happy years with fellow Cerise Pillers, his opinions have now drastically changed.  During the course of our half hour conversation, he uses i give-and-take exactly twenty times: "cult".


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The Red Pill is a philosophy, and is its abode. The nigh 200,000 subscriber strong subreddit describes itself as a identify for the "give-and-take of sexual strategy in a culture increasingly defective a positive identity for men." In itself, possibly this doesn't sound too bad.

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In practice, to "eat the Red Pill" is to take the uncomfortable truth about reality. The phrase comes from 1999'due south hit film The Matrix, in which the protagonist Neo must choose betwixt the Cherry-red Pill – which would allow him to escape the Matrix but see the real, darker earth – and the Bluish Pill – continued existence in his comfortable, but ultimately simulated, life.

In r/TheRedPill's instance, the "dark truths" that the subreddit'due south subscribers take swallowed are these: feminism is toxic, sexism is fake, men take it harder than women, and everything the media teaches about relationships is a prevarication. In reality (the statement goes) women don't want soft-centred men/chocolates; they want to exist dominated, controlled, and manipulated. The most extreme Red Pillers even believe that women want to exist raped.

"Rejection is non rejection," reads an excerpt from the subreddit'southward most popular mail. "When a woman insults yous, belittles you, mocks you, or says something provocative to go a reaction — these are all examples of active tests." Past following the subreddit'southward advice, its subscribers are promised a life of successful sexual encounters. If they ignore the Red Pill, they will undoubtedly exist rejected, cheated on, and dumped.

"They have theories that are non piece of cake to prove or disprove, they are based on beliefs like all women cheat, they like cheating, and all women are not loyal," explains João. "There's this whole conspiracy thing where women are against you, they are this imagined enemy… as well as there's a whole conspiracy that order is confronting men, that society is anti-male so to speak, that liberals are fucking up club, that feminism is fucking upwardly society.

"I believed everything, everything. And if y'all didn't believe everything… if you lot go on Red Pill Reddit and you disagree with someone they either delete your comments or they try to make fun of yous and shame you. You can't criticise annihilation considering people will quickly endeavour to diminish you. So I really believed every niggling thing."


Beliefs such as "all women are evil" and "all women cheat" are what are known as conspiracy stereotypes. Like traditional conspiracy theories, they frequently rely on cherry-picked prove. The Ruddy Pill in particular exploits evolutionary psychology to argue that women are wired to want men with a potent "frame". Much of the subreddit's misogyny is justified by one of their favourite acronyms, AWALT: "all women are like that".

"The motility's use of evolutionary psychology convinced my rational mind that everything I read was a scientific fact supressed past feminists," explains Jack, a British 24-yr-old former r/TheRedPill subscriber.

"I began to come across male person victimhood throughout society," he tells me over Reddit's messaging service. "Information technology fed the confirmation biases that society was built around men catering to women in return for sex."

Mike Wood, a lecturer at the University of Winchester and an skillful on the psychology behind conspiracy theories, explains that people who believe in conspiracy stereotypes such every bit AWALT tend to have what is known equally a "Manichean" worldview.

"They feel the world is divided into accented good and accented evil, and the people behind the conspiracies are of course the absolute evil ones," he says.

Psychologists take a concept, entitativity, which describes the extent to which a grouping of people are perceived as a single entity. "If you think that a grouping is entitative, it'south like a swarm of bees or ants," Wood explains. "They're not only a drove of individuals, they're actually that a single organism that moves with singular purpose. I call back that'southward probably likely to exist true for groups like the Reddish Pill, that look at women and meet only a flock of harpies."

Subscribers' experiences in the real earth tin reinforce their misogynistic views. Trevor*, a 34-year-one-time former Reddish Piller, explains how the subreddit led him to towards more than extreme views of women.

"When I was 30, I bankrupt up with a woman who was just not a very good person," he tells me over Skype. "I broke up with her i the phone…20, 30 minutes later she shows up [to my flat] completely hysterical. I remember I had a big metallic tin basin with potatoes on the counter which I was going to cook for dinner or something, and she grabs it, chucks the potatoes all through the apartment… her shirt catches on a corner of a countertop and and so she proceeds to tear the rest of it off similar Blob Hogan."

When Trevor decided to call the police, it was he that ended up arrested. "I went from being in my home peacefully to being in a jail prison cell all because I'm a human being and she'south a adult female.

"Now that was a very immoral human existence who I was dealing with, certainly non all women are like that but that'south another brainwashing technique of the Red Pill, they say that all women are the same…

"It kind of tricks you so you're agreeing nigh one thing and the next thing you know you're like-minded about all these other things."


These "tricks" aren't accidental, co-ordinate to João in Portugal, who now firmly believes that the Red Pill is akin to a cult.

"If you get to Red Pill and you say something that those guys don't really similar and so they will just delete your comments or just say that you are a 'mangina' or a 'feminist' or a 'cuck'," he told me. "They have this social influence mechanism where they pre-emptively invalidate all criticism by criticising people back… and it is typical of cults to do this." Other Red Pillers I spoke to also mentioned the threat of harassment.

João likewise believes the Scarlet Pill preys on those who are easily manipulated – be they young, nerdy, insecure, virgins, or simply going through a difficult time in life. Most of the ex-Ruddy Pillers I spoke to were teenagers when they became involved in the subreddit, and most say they were uncommonly alone at the time.

Callum*, a 29-year-old from Western Pennsylvania, has a mild case of Asperger'southward syndrome and speculates that "a swell many" people on the Crimson Pill are likely on the spectrum. He became involved with the online men's rights forums at 19. Though he had spent much of his time at school not caring about girls, he became insecure when he started college.

"I worried that I wasn't sparse plenty, I wasn't tall enough, I wasn't endowed enough," he tells me over Reddit. "I started getting very bitter about relationships in general. At no point was I ever actually angry or bitter towards women, but I was frustrated with the established societal rules, that men had to put on the show and exist the best they could and that women got to choice and choose without trying much themselves, and I wasn't beingness picked.

"When I turned to the Ruby-red Pill subreddit I immediately felt like I figured it out. Like a cult, they give you a few obvious truths (men should be more than confident, piece of work towards concrete fettle, women aren't divine perfect beings to be worshipped but flawed people, etc.). I definitely recall that this enabled me to slide into accepting the more toxic beliefs of the subreddit.

"Any time someone said something outright sexist or alarming, too much for me, others would interject and say that those are just being angry and we should allow them vent."


Over the last yr, the Cherry-red Pill subreddit has become a dwelling house for other hateful beliefs. A yr ago, the alt-correct's most vocal figurehead, Milo Yiannopoulous, did an AMA ("ask me anything") on the sub. It is now commonly accepted that the alt-correct recruited men from the Blood-red Pill and attempted to radicalise them. In fact, the alt-correct has go so conflated with the Red Pill that this month a brand new subreddit – the Ruddy Pill Right – had to be made. "My focus with this new sub is to keep the states from diluting the discussion of sexual strategy on our main sub," wrote its creator.

Merely how has a place designed for discussions about sex and women get so radically political?

"That is the power of the ideology," explains Jack, the British Red Piller. "It gives you a lens that brings out the most cynical explanation of social activities…  For a while, it seemed every bit if a blindfold was lifted and I saw manipulation everywhere."

Jack became involved with the Red Pill when he was 23, and had been unmarried for a "long" time. "I was numb, alone and desperate," he says. "It was a terrible time in my life."

Though Jack merely spent 2 months on the subreddit, he apace fell in with anti-feminist and libertarian rhetoric. "An uncomfortable misogynistic streak grew inside me," he says. "At one point [I] idea that Donald Trump was a good candidate for President."

Like many of the places we frequent online, the Red Pill has become an repeat sleeping room. The psychologist I spoke to, Mike Wood, told me this tin can atomic number 82 to people adopting more than and more than extreme views. "If you're in some sort of a group that defines itself by its opinions, so people will get more and more polarised over time," he says. "Individuals volition try to arrange to what the grouping mandates." This is true of not just the Red Pill, simply its opponents. While radical feminists on Tumblr, for example, become more extreme in their views, so too does the subreddit. In many ways, the extremes of each group justify one some other's existence in their minds.

"People within the group will try to get social approval from other members of the group," Forest continues. "And so they'll play to that standard that they're supposed to live up to – and then people will take information technology farther because they reason 'If I'grand more extreme about this then I will become more blessing', so the norms of the grouping shift over fourth dimension."

Jack's story aligns with this. "Trump represented everything that the Scarlet Pill told me to value at the fourth dimension in a mainstream political candidate: anti-PC, anti-feminist and social Darwinist policy," he says. Those aspects of Trump that he even so found unpalatable, or racist, he accepted every bit "a cost to pay for the other stuff".


There exists another misogynistic subreddit which is, in fact, deeper and darker than the Red Pill. is a place for "involuntary celibates" – people who are struggling to lose their virginity – to talk. In theory, once over again, this is non terrible. In practice, however, the about x,000 subscriber potent grouping breeds bitterness towards women, and a hatred of "Chads" – men who are romantically successful. Elliot Rodger, the Santa Barbara student who killed six people in 2014, considered himself an incel.

For Callum, the Red Piller from Western Pennsylvania, this subreddit spoke more than specifically to his own situation. "The feelings of inferiority and utter hopelessness are indescribable and the worst things I have e'er felt in my life," he says. "I think that outsiders looking in merely deem these people very bitter and angry and don't sympathize the long process information technology takes to go there… It takes a long and drawn out boxing with yourself that those people have lost.

"It's listening to the voices in your head, telling you how shit you are, telling you that you will never be wanted, never be normal, all your friends and family unit are laughing at you behind your back at failing at the piece of cake task of finding a girlfriend. You lot are a walking shame to your gender. Cipher you tin practice can overshadow such laughable inferiority. You are nothing."

A meme from r/Incels

It is easy to see how the inferiority complex of Incels and the superiority circuitous of Red Pillers both in turn brood hatred and contempt. However, some subscribers to the subreddits manage to avert being radicalised. From those I spoke to, it seems this is more likely if they have pre-existing political beliefs or circumstances that contradict the theories of the grouping.

Tim*, a 22-year-old from New Zealand, believes that r/Incels didn't lead him to get a misogynist because he was already interested in progressive and feminist politics. He plant the sub when he was 16, afterward growing frustrated with the communication on Red Pill and other sites. As a cocky-described "nerdy" boyfriend, Tim felt anxious almost how relationships worked.

"I'm not very good at following my nose in those sorts of situations," he says. "I can't dance for case, because I take no idea what specifically to do, so anything without a 'rulebook' is pretty much impossible for me.

"I spent so long searching for my 'rulebook' until I realised that it'due south doesn't exist, no i seems to accept any clue what makes a relationship happen. Information technology kinda drives you mad thinking like that, that you lot're the only person in the world who doesn't 'get it'. That's where places similar r/Incels come in."

Tim says that the fact he has always been friends with women might have meant he wasn't convinced past the group's misogyny. "It'south possible to accept that you'll be alone forever, and take that you're very unhappy most that, without becoming hateful or misogynistic. Simply information technology seems similar everyone kind of forgets that," he says.

Louis*, a nineteen-year-old from Albany, New York, joined r/Incels aged 16, and does experience that information technology made him more bitter and misanthropic. "You experience the earth actively hates y'all so you demand to hate it dorsum," he says. Nonetheless, he stopped frequenting the subreddit when, like the Red Pill, it began spreading extreme correct-wing beliefs. "The alt-correct is how I broke from incels as the racism sort of woke me up to the reality of information technology," explains Louis, who is black.


Each of the Redditors I spoke to has a unlike reason for leaving the Crimson Pill.

João and Jack were both influenced past Mark Manson, author of Models: Attract Women Through Honesty. "Most of what he talks about is the mind-set to care for oneself and strive to meliorate. Hate is energy ameliorate spent finding and enjoying activities you lot dear," says Jack, who also began reading about feminism.

João says he left the Red Pill because he was attracting girls that were "emotionally damaged" and non "mentally salubrious". He also felt like its advice didn't really work. "I was going out to confined to talk to women and I would take to talk with like literally like 100 girls just to option up ane, and then the whole affair is a numbers game, a probability thing," he says. He now considers himself a feminist and has a "fantastic girlfriend" who he has been with for nearly three years.

For Callum, it took "a series of psychedelic trips" to begin getting out of both the Ruby-red Pill and Incels. "The very idea of gender was alien to me when tripping hard plenty," he says. When I ask him how he feels about women now, he says: "I all the same concur on to the belief that women enjoy a major advantage in the dating globe even though they suffer disadvantages in other parts of life." Nevertheless he now sees women every bit "scared, flawed, imperfect humans just similar I am".


Not everyone who has left the Red Pill, and then, did and so considering of some feminist revelation. Trevor, the man who ended up in a police cell after a confrontation with his ex, however holds many of the subreddit's beliefs.

"Look, a lot of what they say is truthful unfortunately," he says. "So it isn't really a question of I don't believe any of that whatsoever more, it'southward just I don't believe it's useful to continuously expose myself to that sort of stuff." Although Trevor says the Red Pill helped him to "bed an unusually high number of women", he at present desires deeper relationships and hopes one twenty-four hours to beginning a family unit.

Trevor has only been out of the subreddit for a few months, and information technology isn't apparent whether his views will slowly change. Equally it stands, withal, he believes that our culture is convenance itself out of existence, that the Red Pill and feminism are equally toxic in contributing to this, and that women who sleep around are "indirectly contributing to the depopulation of the white race".

"I'm roommates with some Muslim people here, some Algerians, 2 girls and a guy, and these people have themselves more seriously," he says. "They kind of sympathize the importance of the tribe and customs and family."

At that place is one Red Pill belief, still, that Trevor has completely shunned. "I thing I do believe is yous can show a little vulnerability to your significant other," he says. "A little, a little."


No i still active on the Ruby Pill would admit that they are but alone, young, or vulnerable. The group is exceptionally hostile to outsiders, and the toxic beliefs on the subreddit easily inspire revulsion and hatred on first sight. But we are peradventure as guilty of considering Scarlet Pillers a complete entity every bit they are considering all women to be joined together in some evil mission. In reality, there are many circuitous stories behind the subreddit, with some ex-users fifty-fifty challenge that they were struggling to come to terms with the fact they were gay or trans.

Every man on the Red Pill has a different story. However, each of them do have striking similarities. The main ane is anger. Similar the name of the subreddit itself, it is blazing red. We must understand the psychology behind the philosophy not to condone it, simply to meliorate tackle the poisonous spider slowly infecting those across the web.


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