I've been wanting to exercise a reader room makeover for and so long and today is the day! I partnered with Vasagle to make it all happen and prove off some of their affordable furniture options, alongside a whole room makeover for an amazing woman named Brooke, who has a bedroom in demand of a trivial love.

At commencement glance, her space looks to be in good shape already. Dandy at all! But there were plenty of means that this space merely wasn't working for her.

So, I worked on a total blown bedchamber makeover for her that would amend arrange her needs – consummate with a fresh paint job, new furniture, and enough of renter-friendly solutions. Click through for the full reveal and all the earlier photos.

What the room looked like before

Earlier we get started with how this room came together, let'south start with what Brooke'due south bedroom looked like before. Some of the things that this infinite already had going for it were the high ceilings, a absurd fireplace, and hardwood floors.

Merely there were challenges that needed to be solved as well. Similar the demand for an organized and defended office area, complete with a comfy chair,  since Brooke works from habitation.

The previous desk space was unique but not very functional, since it mainly just housed her collection of books. And the uncomfortable chair she was using meant she didn't spend much fourth dimension there anyhow, opting instead for the dining room table nearly days.

That's just one example of the many things that I needed to solve for her, to make the space more than functional (and beautiful). The rest of her abode is actually, actually cute.

But Brooke described her bedroom every bit the room in her home that she simply never got around to doing much with. Which is exactly what I like to hear considering I dearest coming upwardly with design solutions that are both function AND form.

So let's jump in…

Pull upwards a Chair…to the Office

Since I already mentioned the need for a true office area, let's start at that place! Information technology's probably not ideal for a bedroom to likewise take an part area, but there was plenty of room for ane in hither and since this apartment is a one bedroom, information technology was also the merely option.

First on the listing was a slimmed down desk-bound. The previous ane was bulky and basically just housed ataxia. Non really a functional desk.

And then, I went with a really uncomplicated, affordable option from Vasagle – it has clean lines, comes apartment packed, and is insanely easy to put together. All skillful things when dealing with furniture, correct?!

It'south this metal frame computer desk – and it's under $100!

Bright and White

The walls were originally a light grey in here, which was okay. But my favorite pigment color (loftier cogitating white past Sherwin-Williams) was calling my proper name for a refresh.

So, I painted all the walls white to burnish things up. And brighten it did! Looks similar a whole new space…now that there'due south three fresh coats of pigment on those walls. Iii! I could cry, but I won't.

Fireplace Goals

A fireplace in the chamber? Yes delight! This fireplace is probably one of my favorite things most this bedroom.

So, to brand it more than of a focal signal, I added a large piece of eye-catching artwork, filled the within of the fireplace with the books that were once on Brooke'due south old desk-bound, and came up with a temporary solution for the cracking and uneven tile hearth.

I'll explain the procedure for the renter-friendly fireplace hearth in a separate post, but it'southward a cool toll-effective solution (under $twenty) that completely transforms this spot.

AND it concealed the fact that the floor is very uneven there. *This project will just piece of work for a not-performance fireplace though, then proceed that in listen.

Later everything was decorated, I added a agglomeration of plants in cool planters. Brooke loves plants (so exercise I), so bringing the outdoors in felt very right. Plus, this room gets lots of smashing light on sunny days, and then most plants will thrive in this room.

A New Entryway of Sorts

1 of the unusual things about Brooke'south bedroom is the fact that there is a forepart door entrance that goes directly into her bedroom.

This door isn't used very frequently (the door in the back of the apartment is what Brooke more often uses as her main entrance / leave), but I wanted the front to feel like more than of an option for her likewise.

And then I created a makeshift entryway with some artwork and a simple coat rack (the grayness wood coat tree), also from Vasagle, equally a place to hang coats, purses, and hats upon entering. BTW – that glaze rack is under $30! Pretty cute for that toll, right?

The rug placement helps create a hallway of sorts when you lot walk in, that leads to the living room. And the v-tier ladder bookcase near the front door is a great place to toss keys and mail when you walk in.

When renting, these design challenges come pretty often, and so getting creative with article of furniture and decorative pieces that you tin can take with yous when you go out are a great option.

Do they fully solve the problem of an awkward front entrance? Without shifting walls or just removing the door altogether, maybe not, merely for every bit a upkeep-friendly renter solution, it feels similar it actually helps. What practice you think?

Climbing the Ladder (Bookshelf)

Another challenge in the earlier entry space was two doors that were pretty shut together on this wall (less than 3 ft apart). Whatever concluded up in between the two doors would also be highly visible from each of the two ways you tin enter the room, which made things even more than interesting to figure out.

If entering from the living room, this spot would be the start matter you see as yous walk in. Previously, there was a stacked storage cabinet in this spot, simply it stuck out from the wall quite a bit because the baseboards are pretty thick and as a consequence any article of furniture she put at that place never looked quite right.

My solution was adding something tall with storage, that would not only balance out the doors simply besides avoid having a huge gap between the wall and a piece of furniture.

This ladder bookshelf (know as the five-tier ladder bookcase) is the perfect solution. It leans against the wall, similar a ladder, which makes the typical gap betwixt the furniture and the wall nonexistent. Trouble solved.

Plus, the black metal that is a part of this shelf ties into the other black accents in the room: the desk, pall rods, and new ceiling fan. Which helps give a cohesive look to the unabridged infinite.

I decked out the shelves with items Brooke already endemic, a few new ceramic pieces and bowls for good measure. That wooden basin on peak of the books in empty, so she has a place to toss her keys and mail when she walks in.

Sweet Dreams in this Bed

The existing bed frame and headboard were in good shape, so to save money on the budget, I decided to keep it. And simply refresh the bedding linens and pillows instead. Sometimes, new textiles are actually all you need to transform what you already accept.

Initially, I had planned to create a simulated upholstered headboard, that involved attaching the striped pillows with leather straps to the existing headboard. But opted for just resting the pillows confronting the back instead for a similar look without the fuss of yet another DIY.

Information technology'due south a cracking solution for whatever upkeep and takes virtually no time at all. What'south not to love?

Totally Benched

The idea for using a demote as both a nightstand AND a usable demote for putting on shoes may seem a little foreign, but I recall I kind of love it?

It would exist a great solution for a room that is tight on space OR in this case, i that requires some entryway practicality AND a typical bedside table.

Floor Softener

I love that at that place are hardwood floors in the bedchamber, but they're besides original (read: old) and imo a sleeping accommodation is always in demand of something soft under your feet. I went with a large rug (eight×x) that picks upward a lot of the colors from the room.

Big Fan: The New Ceiling Fan

The old fan was beyond dated (and dusty), information technology had to go! So, I replaced information technology with another one for $120 that again ties in those blackness accents and updates the space without being also opinionated.

Picture This (Artwork)

Last but not least…artwork! Brooke had some great pieces already that needed to be framed, and so I used a slice that she already had ( the blue swimmers print, which I absolutely beloved). And then added a few more that I found on my ain, forth with a DIY art piece or 2.

The circle painting above her desk was painted by me and the slice over the fireplace is actually a wallpaper scrap from may kitchen makeover a long time agone (that I still love).

The impress above her bed was a digital impress that I had printed locally and framed it up in a readymade frame. So the full cost for everything (including the frame was $60 for a 24×36 piece of artwork). Pretty good price, right?

And that's it! I love, beloved, LOVED dreaming up a cute, functional space for this reader room makeover. Information technology was a lot of work, but I loved doing it and hope to practice more of these in the future. Who wants a room makeover adjacent?!

Wanna attempt some of the Vasagle article of furniture for yourself (or any other pieces on the website)? Get 10% off site-broad with promo code MAKEOVER10 at checkout.

This reader room makeover is in partnership with Vasagle. All opinions are my own. Thanks for supporting the brands that help proceed Paper and Stitch running.